प्रायद्वीप मलेशिया: नमूना 1-हप्ता यात्रा योजना

हामीले त्यो महिनामा मलेसियाको भ्रमण गर्ने उद्देश्य राख्दैनौं। हाम्रो मूल गन्तव्य सोमेम बालीना, कम्बोडिया तर दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटनाले हामीलाई यो विचार खसाल्न बाध्य तुल्यायो। यसको सट्टामा हाम्रो जडान उडानहरू केसुलालम्परमा थिए त्यसैले हामीले यसको सट्टा मलेसिया अन्वेषण गरिन? त्यसैले यात्रा अघि केहि दिन अघि, हामीले आफैंलाई यात्रा विचारहरूको लागि इन्टरनेट मार्फत रोम पायौं। एक रात लामो अनुसन्धान पछि, हामीले गन्तव्यहरू प्रदान गर्यौं जुन हामीले जाँच गर्न चाहन्थ्यौं र ती मध्ये धेरै पश्चिम तट नजिकै अवस्थित छन्। हाम्रो प्रारम्भिक सूचीमा पाँच शहरहरू थिए तर, प्रतीक्षा गर्नुहोस्, त्यो धेरै लामो यात्राको लागि रोकिन्छ! म मलाकी र कुलाललम्पुरलाई अलग अवसरहरूमा भएको हुनाले, तिनीहरूले काटेर कटौती गरे। हामी तीनवटा गन्तव्यका लागि बसोबास गर्यौं – Langkavi, पेना ang, र क्यामरून हेल्यान्ड्स।

यो मलाई हो, क्यामरून उच्च भूमिमा चिया प्लान्टमा मेरो बाटो निचोर्दै।

यस गाईडमा के भयो?

बुकिंग उडानहरू
बस्ने ठाउँ खोज्दै
परिवेशन निर्माण
दिन 1: क्लार्क क्लाल क्लोलाउर लंगकुईको लागि
दिन 2: Langkavi टापु यात्रा टूर
दिन :: ल ga ्गकुवा
दिन -5–5: क्यामरून हेल्डल्याण्ड्स
दिन :: Kuaalumpurur मा फिर्ता
बजेट ब्रेकडाउन

अधिक विचारहरू यूट्यूब पोस्टहरूमा पोष्टहरू:

बुकिंग उडानहरू

कुालामुम्म्पुर पेन्टालर मलेशियाको लागि प्राथमिक गेटवे हो। सस्तो क्यारियर एयरफिल एक्सप्रेस, Cubu प्रशान्त हावा, Zest एयरवेज, र टाइजर एयरवेज सबै उड्ने मनिलाबाट किल के किललाई टिकट एक विशाल अरासिया बिक्रीको बखत विकासमा लगभग एक बर्ष बुक गरियो। तर हामीले एयरफिल एक्सप्रेस बिक्रीबाट हाम्रो फिर्ती टिकट पायौं। (तत्काल, हवाईको कुआला लम्पुर-मनिलाट उडान 2P 876 11 :: 5545 बजेमा निर्धारित गरिएको थियो।)

राउन्डेट्रिप लागत php 20800 (USD46) थियो। नकारात्मक पक्ष यो थियो कि हामी क्लार्क एयरपोर्टबाट बाहिर उडिरहेका थियौं जुन हामी जे भए पनि टाढा सवारी मात्र भएको थियो भन्ने कुरा विचार गर्दा हामी यस कुरालाई विचार गर्यौं।

यद्यपि राजधानीबाट पेंगकावामा उडानहरू छन्, तर हामीले केओमा एक पटक उभिएर हामी केवल बस, ट्रेन वा फेरीलाई भेट्टायौं किनकि हामी यति धेरै खर्च गर्न चाहन्थ्यौं किनभने हामी यति धेरै खर्च गर्न चाह्यौं यातायात मा।

बस्ने ठाउँ खोज्दै

मलेसियामा रहन कम लागत ठाउँहरू फेला पार्नु सजिलो छ। यो सबै लिन्छ यो छ कि होस्टेलवर्ल्ड, एनोडा, Araiagagae वा प्रेरणा जस्तै तपाईंको मनपर्ने यात्रा बुक रेकरिंग साइट को लागी एक चेक आउट हो। हामीले यात्रा सुरु गर्नु अघि, हामी कोठा आरक्षित भइसकेका कोठाहरू सुरक्षित गर्दछौं र हामी केवल क्रेडिट स्कोर कार्डको माध्यमबाट जम्मा गर्दछौं। यहाँ हामी यस यात्रा मा बसेको स्थानहरूको सूची छ।

Langkawi – Pannga tangah (1 रात)

जर्ज टाउन (1 रात) मा पुरानो पेना ang गेस्टहरू

क्यामरून हेल्डल्याण्ड्स – Kng यात्रीको लज तन रेटा (2 रात)

त्यो कुल 4 रात हो। हामीले रेलमा पहिलो रात कुउलाल खुलोपुरबाट लंगकावामा बितायौं, जसले हामीलाई एउटा कोठा रात बचायो! Yay! मैले यी प्रत्येक होस्टलमा मेरो बसाई आनन्द उठाएँ किनकि कोठाहरू सफा थिए, स्टाफ मैत्री, र स्थान उत्कृष्ट।

कान यात्री लज तान रेटा, क्यामरून उच्च भूमिमा
परिवेशन निर्माण

यो यात्रा योजना को एक धेरै हिस्सा यात्रा को लागी यात्रा थियो। हामी कम्तिमा 2 दिन को लागी प्रत्येक गन्तव्यमा रहन चाहान्थ्यौं तर यो सम्भव थिएन। हामीले एउटा स्टपमा हाम्रो समय छोटो काट्नुपर्यो र दुर्भाग्यवश, यो पेना ang थियो। यहाँ हाम्रो मूल आशावादी छ:

दिन 1 – क्लाल क्लाल क्लाल क्लोम्पुर
09:05 बिहान – क्लार्क एयरपोर्टमा जाँच गर्नुहोस्
11:05 बिहान – ETD: क्लार्क एयरपोर्ट
02:50 बेलुका – ETA: KUAALO Lupunur Lect
04:00 बेलुका – बस किल रेशरलाई लिनुहोस्
0:30 बेलुका – मेडेको स्क्वायर र पेट्रोनास टावरमा जानुहोस्
09:20 PM – ETD: ARAU सवारी सवारी (स्टेशन नजिकको लांगकवा)
रेलमा राति राती

दिन 2 – Langkawi
07:20 बिहान – ETA: ARAU स्टेशन
07:40 बिहान – cab Caba Cab लाई लिनुहोस्
08:00 बिहान – Langkavi टापुमा फेरी टिकटहरू प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्
09:00 बिहान – ETD: kuaa Perlis
10:00 बिहान – ETA: कुवा जेट्टी, लांगकवा
10 :: 300 बिहान – लांगकावा टापु टापु: किलिम बिजुली पार्क, ताञ्जुतो ung ्गर र डोरी कार
04:00 बेलुका – होटलमा जाँच गर्नुहोस्
0: 30 :: 300 PM – पंचा सेन्ट ang मा हिड्नुहोस्
07:30 बेलुका – डिनर र नाइटलीफ

दिन – – Langkavi लाई पेना ung
08:00 बिहान – बिहानको खाजा र पेन्टेई सेन्ट ang मा हिंड्नुहोस्
12:00 Nn – जाँच गर्नुहोस्: होटल
02:30 PM – ETD: कुवा जेट्टी
0:30 बेलुका – ENA: ESAGE: जर्ज टाउन फेरी टर्मिनल
06:00 बेलुका – होटेलमा चेक-इन
07:00 अपराह्न – खाद्य यात्रा, रात गाउँको वरिपरि हिड्दै

दिन – – र्यानर हेल्डल्याण्डको लागि pagng
06:00 बिहान – जाँच गर्नुहोस्: होस्टेल
07:00 बिहान – जर्ज टाउन को आधा दिन को भ्रमण
02:30 PM – MERIVAN हेभल्याण्डमा मिलन सवारी
07:00 बेलुका – ETA: Tanaha Ringa, क्यामरून हेल्यान्ड्स
07:30 साँझ – होटलमा जाँच गर्नुहोस्
08:20 बेलुका – डिनर, भ्रमण अपरेटर फेला पार्नुहोस्, रात हिंड्नुहोस्

दिन – – क्यामरून हेल्डलल्याण्ड टूर
07:00 बिहान – पूरै-दिन यात्रा
05:00 बेलुका – आराम गर्नुहोस्
07:00 बेलुका बेलुकाको खाना

दिन – – Charon उच्च भूमि कोउलामुनियरमा
07:00 बिहान
01:00 बजे – ETA: KL ट्यागर
02:00 अपराधी – बटू गुफाहरू, केएल टावर
07:00 बजे – KL ट्यापरबाट lect गर्न बस लिनुहोस्
0: 30: .0 बेलुका – lect मा चेक-इन
11:55 अपराह्न – ETD: LCCT (एयरफिल एक्सप्रेस मार्फत)
04:05 बिहान – ETA: Naia टर्मिनल।

यो योजना थियो र हामी यसलाई लगभग पूर्ण रूपमा पछ्याउन सक्षम थियौं। एकमात्र प्रमुख विचलन हाम्रो जर्जेटाउन, पेना ang मा थियो। हामी क्यारोन हेल्यान्डमा उपलब्ध दिउँसो यात्रा फेला पार्न सकेनौं। हामी हौंre forced to take an early morning mini-bus which cut our time in Penang even shorter, a mere 12 hours.

By the way, if you have a lot more days, you might want to check out Malacca, too! You can even go farther to Singapore and just fly back to Manila from there. Here’s a sample Malacca-Singapore travel plan that you can use to add to the above plan. just make the needed adjustments.

दिन 1: क्लार्क क्लाल क्लोलाउर लंगकुईको लागि

We landed in Kuala Lumpur ahead of schedule, which indicated a lot more time for us to explore Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately, work followed me even to Malaysia that I had to stay at a cafe and do some work-related stuff, which pushed me to just skip checking out Merdeka Square and Petronas Towers. I had been to these places before but I really wanted to see the Petronas twin Towers at night. What a shame.

KL Sentral became our “hotel” in Kuala Lumpur for this trip
We booked second-class upper berths (RM34) the Senandung Langkawi Train to Hat Yai, Thailand. Arau Station, our stop, was the third to the last. After getting my work done, we grabbed dinner-to-go and boarded the 9:20pm train. The experience was very pleasurable but I guess I was too worn out that the moment I lay down, I fell asleep instantly. I didn’t even get to have dinner. When I woke up, it was already morning. a lot more about the train ride here.

दिन 2: Langkavi टापु यात्रा टूर

Kilim Geoforest Park in Langkawi Island, Malaysia
When we arrived in Arau, we took a cab and then a ferry to Kuah, the capital of Langkawi Island. The cab motorist who was meant to take us straight to the hotel used to excursion us around for RM 100. We thought it was a good deal considering that every cab ride charges a fixed rate of RM 25. Taking the RM100-tour will allow us to stop at lots of of the island’s major attractions. (More about that here.) here are the places we visited:

Kilim Geoforest Park

Tanjong Rhu

Panorama Langkawi cord automobile and Oriental Village

Pantai Cenang

After the tour, we checked in at tropical Langkawi Resort and headed back to Pantai Cenang to enjoy the sunset. At night, my travel buddy and I shared a big, big dinner at Orkid Ria seafood Restaurant.

दिन :: ल ga ्गकुवा

The next day, we walked on the beach again and had a quick breakfast at a restaurant near the resort. We taken a look at early and just waited for the ferry to George Town, Penang. To kill time, we explored the area around the jetty. one of the most touristy spots was the brown Eagle Monument.

At 2:30pm, we boarded the boat and started the 3-hour ride to Penang. It was nearly 6pm when we arrived. We were blown away by the architecture of the old buildings in the city and we were really ecstatic to get moving after checking in. Unfortunately, work kept haunting me that I had to stay in my room to make sure I don’t lose my job. My buddy went out on his own. I was a sad loser that night.

Love Lane in George Town, Penang
At around 8:30pm, I went out for a night walk and took pictures of the structures around the area. We found a travel agency and hoped to book a 2:30pm trip to Cameron Highlands but there were no a lot more seats left so we settled for the morning trip, cutting our time in George town in half.

We also had dinner at Gurney Drive. Here’s a a lot more in-depth chronicling of our 12 hours in Penang.

दिन -5–5: क्यामरून हेल्डल्याण्ड्स

We reached Tanah Rata, a major settlement in Cameron Highland, at around 1pm. We checked in right away and explored the small town on foot. We quickly fell in love with the weather and the misty atmosphere! The only thing we did not appreciate much was that it rained later that afternoon. Regardless, we began trying the restaurants in town and looked for souvenir items. We also met some of the only 11 OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) in Cameron Highlands.

Mossy forest in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Kuya Rey, a Pinoy in Tanah Rata, manages a travel agency and we booked a whole-day excursion with him. The spent the following day exploring lots of of what the highlands had to offer:

BOH Tea Plantation and Factory

Gunung Brinchang height and view Deck

Mossy Forest

Taman Rama-rama Butterfly and Reptile Park

Raju hill Strawberry Farm

Rose center Kea Farm

Ee Feng Gu Kea Bee Farm

Mushroom Farm

Brinchang Market Square

Sam Poh Buddhist Temple

Parit Falls

I especially loved our check out to the tea plantations, the mossy forest, the rose center, the Buddhist temple, and the market square. everything else felt like vacationer traps, to be quite honest. I recommend that you just take a half-day leisure excursion that includes both the tea plantation and mossy forest. read a lot more about this excursion here.

Hedgerows of black tea in Cameron Highlands
The truth is, the real reason we wanted to set foot on Cameron Highlands was a chance to see the Rafflesia, the world’s greatest flower. Sadly, it was not the flower’s season when we visited. maybe next time.

दिन :: Kuaalumpurur मा फिर्ता

At 6am,we were already at the bus station waiting for a bus to Kuala Lumpur. At around 12:30pm, we were back at KL Sentral in the capital. The first thing we did was deposit our bags at a baggage counter at the station so we won’t be carrying too much weight as we explored the city. The baggage counter is located just across the Intercity train booths. We then moved to Batu Caves but we took pleasure in so much we didn’t realize we wouldn’t be able to go anywhere else.

Batu Caves, Malaysia
At around 7pm, we boarded the bus to LCCT and just waited for our Airphil express flight back to Manila scheduled later that night.

बजेट ब्रेकडाउन

Here’s a breakdown of my expenses throughout this trip.

दिन 1

PhP 2,080 – Roundtrip airfare Kuala Lumpur

PhP 1,600 – travel tax

PhP 750 – departure Fee

PhP 105 – Bus to KL Sentral from LCCT (RM 5)

PhP 459  – upper berth, second class, overnight sleeper train (RM 35)


PhP 158 – Taxi ride from Arau station to Kuala Perlis (RM 24/2 pax)

PhP 236 – Ferry ride from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi (RM 18)

PhP 984 – 6-hour Langkawi Island excursion (RM150/2 pax)

PhP 1,311 – Kilim Geoforest Park excursion (RM 200 per boat/2 pax)

PhP 744 – tropical resort Langkawi (USD36.6 per room/2 pax)


PhP 164 – Taxi ride from hotel to Kuah (Langkawi) port

PhP 787 – Ferry ride from Langkawi to Penang

PhP 623 – Old Penang Guesthouse (RM95 per room/2 pax)

PhP 164 – Taxi ride to Gurney Drive

DAY 4-5

PhP 498 – Minivan ride from Georgetown to Tanah Rata (RM 38)

PhP 447  – Kang Travelers Lodge (USD 11 per bed)

PhP 787 – Full-day excursion of Cameron Highlands (RM 60/pax)


PhP 459 – Bus from Tanah Rata to Kuala Lumpur (RM 35)

PhP 52 – KTM Komuter train roundtrip to Batu Caves (RM 2, one -way)

PhP 105 – Bus to LCCT from KL Sentral (RM 8)

Php 400 – Incidentals (map, candies, bottled water)

PhP 3,300 – total food expenses

PhP 16,213 – total EXPENSES

Please note that I grabbed airline discount seats for this trip, which helped minimize the cost. note that we we were a party of only 2 travelers. had we been a bigger group, it could’ve pulled the cost much lower.

It’s honestly one of my a lot of expensive trips I’ve gone on but, definitely, one of the best. It was exceptionally busy but I took pleasure in the rush and the constant moving. The only spoiler was that urgent work-related stuff kept on popping up in the most inconvenient time. (Not that I’m complaining! I love my job!)

But overall, it was genuinely unforgettable. I’m planning a part 2 of this Peninsular Malaysia trip. This time, a lot more days in Penang, and a stop in Taman Negara national Park, Johor Bahru, Tioman Island, and Perhentian Islands. Hopefully, I get to cross over to Thailand, too!

यूट्यूबमा थप विचारहरू

सम्बन्धित पोष्टहरू:

LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA: budget travel guide

PETRONAS twin TOWERS and Suria KLCC: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Mossy forest of Gunung Brinchang: Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Rose Center: The hunt for the blue Bud in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

7 things to do in Langkawi, Malaysia: Overnight travel plan

Malaysia: 10 places to check out on a Cameron Highlands Day excursion

12 hours in George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Tropical Resort: Where to stay in Langkawi, Malaysia